CGF Graduate Scholarships

    From Colorado Garden Foundation

    The mission of the organization is to support horticulture and horticultural-related projects and those groups and individuals that are involved or directly related.

    Type of Support


    The grant focuses on supporting students in Colorado who are pursuing graduate studies in horticulture-related fields. Specific areas of study eligible for the scholarship include Horticulture, Landscape Horticulture, Floriculture, Turfgrass Management, Botany, Entomology, Plant Pathology, Landscape Design, and Landscape Architecture. The scholarship covers Full Resident Tuition, Books, and Fees for one year.


    Organization's Location
    Lorem labore
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Dolore id ipsum ad adipisicing
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    • minim voluptate est ipsum cupidatat id ex veniam mollit quis nisi consequat cupidatat duis labore cupidatat ut laborum
    not specified


    Contact info
    officia velit voluptate id eiusmod ut enim officia irure esse anim proident
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