CSHF Grantmaking Program (Capacity-Building)

    From Colorado Springs Health Foundation

    The Colorado Springs Health Foundation aims to improve health outcomes by focusing on a population health framework. This includes addressing clinical care, health behaviors, social and economic determinants, and the physical environment.

    Type of Support


    Colorado Springs Health Foundation makes grants to target immediate health care needs and encourage healthy living in El Paso and Teller Counties, Colorado. The Foundation acknowledges that organizations addressing the health and well-being of our community need to invest in their own capacities, competencies and skills in order to do this important work well. CSHF defines capacity-building work as discreet projects that help an organization acquire or strengthen organizational skills, strategies, systems and/or structures. They often involve the use of an outside expert consultant. Examples of Capacity-Building Initiatives: - Planning (strategic, operational, succession, funds development, communications etc.) - Impact Assessment (e.g. program evaluation) - One-time or infrequent volunteer or staff training, e.g. board governance training, leadership coaching, etc.) - Merger, dissolution or other restructuring efforts - Process improvement work (e.g. LEAN) - One-time technology needs (e.g. computer hardware)


    Organization's Location
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    Program Location
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    Organization Type
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    Visit Apply for more information.