CBT: Sponsorship

    From Columbia Basin Trust

    The Trust supports efforts by the people of the Basin to create a legacy of social, economic and environmental well-being and to achieve greater self-sufficiency for present and future generations

    Type of Support


    The grant program provided by Columbia Basin Trust is designed to offer financial assistance to community events, celebrations, festivals, or fairs. It aims to support small local initiatives that contribute to the cultural, social, or economic vitality of the Basin region. This program accepts applications continuously throughout the fiscal year, distributing funds until all available resources have been allocated, ensuring ongoing support for meaningful community activities.


    Organization's Location
    consectetur laborum
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Consequat adipisicing
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    Et ea velit
    Occaecat id adipisicing irure aute
    Non irure et reprehenderit esse in exercitation cupidatat eu magna
    Est reprehenderit nisi quis est ullamco
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    Aute sit
    Incididunt incididunt velit non eiusmod commodo
    250 – 1.5K


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