Commonwealth Fund Grant

The Commonwealth Fund, founded in 1918 by philanthropist Anna M. Harkness, focuses on enhancing the common good by promoting a high-performing healthcare system. This involves achieving better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency, especially for society’s most vulnerable groups, including low-income people, the uninsured, and people of color. The Fund supports independent research on health care issues and grants to improve healthcare practice and policy, with a spotlight on stimulating innovative policies and practices both in the U.S. and other industrialized countries.

Type of Support


The Commonwealth Fund Grant program aims to support and promote a high-performing healthcare system that ensures better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency primarily for the marginalized and vulnerable sectors of society. It supports independent research and initiatives to improve healthcare practices and policies. The grant program encompasses a wide range of focus areas including Health Care Coverage, Access and Tracking, Health Care Delivery System Reform, Advancing Health Equity, Controlling Health Care Costs, Federal and State Health Policy, International Health Policy and Practice Innovations, Advancing Medicare, Medicaid, Behavioral Health, and the Climate Change and Health Care Initiative. The Fund is interested in pioneering approaches, convening experts for innovation and learning, publishing research results, and investing in future leaders to promote equitable outcomes globally.


Organization's Location
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