Johnsonburg Area Endowment Fund

From Community Foundation of the Northern Alleghenies

The mission of the Johnsonburg Community Cable TV Company, in association with the Johnsonburg Area Endowment Fund, is to provide financial support to nonprofit organizations serving the Johnsonburg Area, as defined by the school district boundary, to benefit its residents.

Type of Support


The grant aims to support nonprofit agencies that operate within the Johnsonburg Area, specifically those projects or initiatives that will positively impact the local community and its residents. The Johnsonburg Area Endowment Fund’s purpose is to provide financial support to those non-profit organizations whose application reflects a purpose or project that will benefit the residents of the Johnsonburg Area. Areas of interest include:

  • The Arts 
  • Economic Development
  • Education
  • The Environment
  • Health and Social Services


Organization's Location
proident esse
Program Location
excepteur tempor
Organization Type
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Required Attachments
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