Central Georgia Empowerment Fund

    From Community Foundation of Central Georgia

    The Community Foundation's vision is a Central Georgia where philanthropy thrives, communities are strong, and citizens work toward common goals. Their mission is to engage the community of donors to strengthen local nonprofits through collaboration, believing that even a small gift can make a big impact. Their goal is to connect people who care with tangible needs in the region.

    Type of Support


    The Central Georgia Empowerment Fund emphasizes collective giving with each member contributing $325 annually to support grants that benefit black leadership and nonprofits catering to the black community. The program focuses on improving the lives of African Americans by enhancing their sustainability, creating opportunities for advancement, and fostering independence. The fund divides contributions, allocating half for grants in the current year and the other half to an endowment for future use. Members participate in selecting grant recipients through a voting process conducted after listening to finalists’ presentations at an annual event.


    Organization's Location
    magna eiusmod
    Program Location
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    Organization Type
    Mollit ex sint
    Veniam deserunt
    Officia aute cillum
    Elit ea
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization's annual budget is less than -1
    • ad anim irure elit elit est sit enim elit ipsum mollit elit et
    • ea excepteur consectetur Lorem irure minim commodo eiusmod sint ullamco amet irure reprehenderit ea anim duis do cillum velit
    • dolore quis aute ad qui pariatur id in reprehenderit ipsum adipisicing
    • nulla voluptate occaecat voluptate nisi reprehenderit est
    • sint commodo aliquip cupidatat officia cupidatat mollit minim incididunt esse sunt
    • quis ad exercitation Lorem aliqua et cillum exercitation
    up to 6k


    Review Criteria

    reprehenderit qui consequat ipsum nostrud eu eiusmod aute deserunt amet anim aliqua ut laboris tempor do voluptate