The Community Foundation of South Alabama aims to close the opportunity gap for youth in southwest Alabama by strengthening the early childhood education system, supporting underserved and rural families, and facilitating workforce training and higher education for opportunity youth (ages 16-24 not in school or employed). Their collective impact agenda fosters strategic partnerships across sectors to build thriving, capable children who contribute to a prosperous community.
The Closing the Opportunity Gap Grant focuses on combatting unequal access to education and opportunities for youth in southwest Alabama. The grant supports initiatives in six key areas: parenting education, workforce training for well-paying jobs, preschool education access, extracurricular activity access for youth, advancement in racial equity emphasizing assistance for underprivileged youth, and equitable access to arts, culture, and mental and behavioral supports. With a commitment to funding program grants only for the current year, the grants, ranging from $5,000 to $15,000, are intended for the expansion, refinement, or initiation of projects promising efficiency and sustainability, while emphasizing a cap on indirect expenses. This grant program prioritizes applications that promise meaningful community impact within its key focus areas.
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