Arena Youth Enrichment Grant

From Community Foundation of North Central Washington

The Methow Valley Fund is overseen by the Community Foundation of North Central Washington (CFNCW), aimed at supporting charitable organizations in the Methow Valley. Its mission includes contributing to the community's vibrancy by funding health and human services, education, arts and culture, environmental projects, and social/public benefits. It focuses on aiding non-profits and public organizations in developing sustainable programs, creating a permanent endowment for the long-term availability of local resources to meet local needs and opportunities.

Type of Support


The Arena Youth Enrichment Fund, established by the Town Toyota Center, aims to provide opportunities for youth to engage in activities they might not otherwise have access to, focusing on skating and entertainment events. The grant supports various requests, including one-day or six-week Learn to Skate programs, private rentals with skates, attending shows at the Town Toyota Center, and other skate classes. This initiative seeks to enrich the lives of young individuals through recreational and educational experiences in skating and viewing live performances.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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