CFES: Mini Grants

    From Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore

    The Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore aims to connect people who care to causes that matter, for the common good of the Lower Eastern Shore. As a 501c3 nonprofit, they have a rich history of fostering charitable endeavors, having provided $89 million in grants and scholarships since 1984. They work by matching the charitable interests of individuals, families, and businesses with community needs, focusing on strengthening local nonprofits through grants and resources to improve the regional community through the power of philanthropy.

    Type of Support


    The Mini-Grants program offered by the Community Foundation supports a wide array of programmatic needs across different impact areas with a rolling monthly deadline. The program is designed to support local 501c3 organizations through grants that cover:

    • Program/Project needs in areas including Arts/Culture, Environment, Historic Preservation, Health & Human Services, Seniors, Veterans, Women & Children, and Youth Development.
    • Technical Assistance & Capacity Building grants aimed at organizational improvement and capacity building, pilot projects, and technology and equipment purchases.
    • Emergency Assistance grants for local charities to provide pharmaceutical, transportation, food, and utility assistance to individuals and families in need.
    • Youth Help grants targeting schools and youth programs that offer need-based assistance or field trip opportunities to at-risk and underserved youth.


    Organization's Location
    qui ad
    Program Location
    aute laboris ex velit fugiat id ut
    Organization Type
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    Do aute
    Eu duis
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    Ullamco incididunt proident
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    Exercitation amet
    Sit exercitation ex
    Commodo in eiusmod
    In ex tempor tempor velit consectetur aliquip consequat Lorem qui adipisicing culpa cillum non dolore
    up to 2.5K


    Required Attachments
    sunt commodo
    laboris velit
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