CFNF: Share Your Story Video Challenge Grant

    From Community Foundation of North Florida

    To enhance the quality of life in the North Florida community through the promotion and support of charitable giving.

    Type of Support


    The Share Your Story Video Challenge Grant is designed to support nonprofit organizations serving LMI populations in Leon County. By showcasing their work through a video story, these organizations have the opportunity to secure one of ten unrestricted operations grants. This initiative encourages nonprofits to creatively demonstrate their impact on LMI communities, offering them a platform for visibility and financial support to continue their vital work.


    Organization's Location
    veniam reprehenderit
    Program Location
    nisi id labore
    Organization Type
    Deserunt ad
    Laboris Lorem mollit nulla nulla consectetur dolore dolor elit
    Proident ea
    Ea occaecat
    • laborum officia sint fugiat pariatur
    • proident magna proident voluptate laboris sint qui proident sit dolore
    • excepteur esse cupidatat proident nisi commodo veniam
    • minim anim eiusmod consectetur officia consectetur ullamco eiusmod excepteur aliquip magna qui


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