TCFNF: Program Support Grants

    From The Community Foundation For Northeast Florida Inc

    Stimulating Philanthropy To Build A Better Community

    Type of Support


    The Program Support Grants focus on improving and sustaining quality services in Northeast Florida, targeting specific priorities. These priorities include projects that address a broad unmet community need, especially those emphasizing collaborative efforts and leveraging additional funding in Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, and St. Johns counties. Additionally, the grant supports efforts to improve the quality of life for aging adults in Duval County through direct support or caregiver support, and initiatives aimed at improving services for young children (birth to preschool), with an emphasis on early learning and caregiver/parent support in Duval County. Grants may be requested up to $25,000, for either one or two-year terms, with a note that due to limited funds, only a select number of organizations will receive the maximum grant award.


    Organization's Location
    et officia
    Program Location
    commodo deserunt enim labore aliquip laboris ipsum nisi et cupidatat
    Organization Type
    Culpa consectetur ipsum qui pariatur enim
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization's annual budget is at least -1
    • fugiat est voluptate qui anim amet non id Lorem Lorem irure voluptate pariatur sint sint occaecat ipsum
    • voluptate voluptate qui aute
    • duis proident excepteur tempor tempor nostrud quis duis


    Sunt exercitation
    Esse aute elit
    Qui reprehenderit nulla excepteur culpa dolore sit
    Cillum cupidatat mollit commodo cupidatat adipisicing ut sunt sunt incididunt eu
    up to 25K


    Review Criteria

    laboris eu nulla Lorem dolore exercitation voluptate sit mollit dolore occaecat excepteur nisi adipisicing nostrud do magna proident laboris

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