Rural Feasibility Study Grant Program

From Compeer Financial, ACA

The mission is aimed at ensuring a strong future in rural America, specifically within Compeer's 144-county territory across Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. This is achieved by facilitating economic development and improving community assets through funding feasibility studies.

Type of Support


The Rural Feasibility Study Grant Program focuses on funding feasibility studies to foster economic development and enhance community assets in rural areas. These studies can range from market research, cost analysis, financial projections, to the assessment of suitable facilities/equipment and the development of a business plan. The criteria for awarding these grants include the project's impact on the community and region, consistency with local and strategic plans for development, local support, collaboration with other entities, likelihood of completion, level of economic distress, and unique project features. Proposals must also detail how the success or failure of the project will be determined and the procedures for assessing the project's impact post-completion. Applications are open until all funds are awarded.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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1k – 5k


Visit Apply for more information.