Con Alma Health Foundation Grant

Con Alma Health Foundation aims to improve health and advance health equity for New Mexico’s diverse communities. They strive to ensure fair opportunities for healthy lives by focusing on access to healthcare, reducing health disparities, and supporting culturally appropriate services.

Type of Support


The Con Alma Health Foundation grant program seeks to impact broad networks or communities within New Mexico, rather than providing direct services to individuals. It highlights six priority areas: improving access to health and healthcare for the uninsured and medically underserved, offering culturally appropriate services to reduce health disparities especially in rural, tribal, immigrant, and people of color communities, supporting innovative solutions and research to tackle persistent health issues, promoting health through education and prevention, advocating for inclusive health policy, and fostering workforce development to reflect the state’s cultural and linguistic diversity.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Fiscal Sponsors with a 501(c)(3) designation
Public or governmental agencies
Federally recognized tribes in the state of New Mexico
  • Must benefit people living in New Mexico
  • Open to all eligible applicants including current and past Con Alma Health Foundation grant recipients
  • Work must have the potential to benefit many members in a system, network, or community
  • Funds may be used for various expenses including personnel, professional services, operational expenses, meetings, and travel, but purchases of property or equipment are limited to $5,000 per item
  • Allowable administrative costs up to 20% of the grant award; when using a fiscal sponsor, up to 10%


Political campaigns, political lobbying, or other partisan activities
Support to individuals, scholarships, or fellowships
Capital or endowment campaigns, annual fundraising, event sponsorships, debt liquidation, clinical research
Organizations that discriminate based on race, ancestry, national or ethnic origin, disability, sex, age, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity
Made for religious purposes
For construction, renovation, or repairs.
up to 25k


Review Criteria

Preferred groups in New Mexico include those communities that have faced historical discrimination or hardship due to their race, language, gender, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs. This also encompasses communities of immigrants, individuals living in rural and border areas, as well as those who are economically disadvantaged. People with disabilities, those dealing with chronic health issues, and individuals facing health disparities due to trauma are also a key focus. The initiative seeks to support those who lack sufficient health insurance coverage or do not have any, and those who are inadequately served medically. We strongly encourage applications from small to medium-sized grassroots organizations. For clarity, we categorize organizational size based on their annual operational budget as follows: small (less than $500,000), medium ($501,000 to $1 million), and large (over $1 million).