CCF: Grassroots Leadership Grants

From Connecticut Community Foundation

The mission of the funder is to support healthy communities by fostering civic engagement, community organizing, and the involvement of civic groups. They strive for responsiveness and flexibility in funding initiatives, prioritizing actions and decisions made by individuals and organizations that are intimately acquainted with community issues. A key aspect of their mission is to empower resident leaders and organizers in Waterbury through a funding process that is directly influenced by the community, for the community.

Type of Support


The Grassroots Grants aim to revitalize communities, influence local systems, and foster youth leadership, while also building a robust, collaborative network of multi-generational residents working towards a common goal. The program prioritizes expanding access to tools and resources that bolster organizing efforts and connect Waterbury organizers regionally and nationally. Supported efforts include nonpartisan voter engagement, campaigns to amplify marginalized voices, community-building activities, and leadership training for emerging leaders. Projects that are eligible for these grants include organizing block parties, enhancing equitable access to education, creating informative websites about local elections, and producing web series for open dialogue on current events. This grant program is designed to be inclusive, supporting a wide range of civic activities that encourage community dialogue, education, and engagement.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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Organization Budget And Years
Organization's annual budget is less than -1
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Visit Apply for more information.