The Dakota Foundation Program-Related Investments and Grants

From The Dakota Foundation

For over 25 years, the Dakota Foundation has aimed to merge business discipline with charitable goals to tackle social issues. Focusing on investment-like grants and program-related investments (PRIs), the foundation seeks a high social return, promoting economically and environmentally sustainable endeavors. It supports self-improvement for better economic conditions and community wellbeing, grounded in values of self-reliance, personal responsibility, human dignity, equal opportunity, and environmental preservation.

Type of Support


The Dakota Foundation's grant program primarily supports nonprofit organizations that empower individuals to take control of their economic futures, adhering to principles of sustainability and scalability. The foundation encourages collaboration among community groups for grassroots solutions to common problems, ensuring projects have clear, meaningful, and measurable outcomes. It stands against unlawful or unfair discrimination, ensuring resources are accessible to organizations serving diverse communities without bias towards race, color, creed, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, or national origin.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Preferred locations: AZ, CO, NM, NC, ND, OH, All eligible locations: Global
Organization Type
  • Geographic focus is primarily in Arizona, North Dakota, New Mexico, Colorado, and North Carolina
  • Proposals for other regions may be considered for particularly exciting projects, such as Social Impact Bond partnerships
  • Meeting with a Dakota Foundation representative and gaining their support is preferred before submitting a request


Organizations involved in annual fund drives
General fund-raising events
Those with budget deficits
Medical research entities
Theatrical, artistic, or media projects
Building endowments
Historical preservation, museums, and interpretive centers.
up to 100k


Review Criteria

Our funding focus, though not restricted to the examples provided, highlights the types of partnerships we've endorsed previously and aim to back in coming initiatives. This selection, while not all-encompassing, mirrors the essence of projects we typically favor, such as:

  • Ventures with a strong entrepreneurial spirit that significantly benefit society
  • Initiatives aimed at enhancing education or targeted vocational training, enabling people to achieve greater economic independence
  • Efforts to bolster job prospects for economically challenged community members