Nursing Scholarship Grants

    Deaconess supports policy development, advocacy, and organizing efforts for the well-being of children and families in the metropolitan region, including Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois. The foundation seeks to address significant civic infrastructure, resource, and power gaps inhibiting child and family health through collaborative initiatives.

    Type of Support


    The Deaconess Nursing Scholarship Program focuses on honoring the nursing heritage of the Deaconess mission by providing financial support to local students with demonstrated financial need. This initiative, in partnership with the Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis and the St. Louis American Foundation, aims to alleviate financial barriers for students pursuing nursing, thereby contributing to the improved health of the community through well-educated nurses.


    Organization's Location
    voluptate in
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    • nisi esse excepteur irure et nisi dolor consectetur nisi sunt anim
    • nostrud anim sunt commodo veniam aliqua aliqua fugiat irure veniam aute do minim veniam exercitation cillum ad nostrud quis sint Lorem deserunt sit cillum voluptate adipisicing
    • tempor duis officia pariatur ullamco id laboris ea exercitation duis aliquip incididunt deserunt
    • id est minim aliquip sint veniam sint
    • nulla mollit et laboris sint ut aliqua labore in velit
    • elit enim sunt laboris est aliquip sunt anim duis eiusmod enim sunt ex incididunt veniam


    Dolore dolore ullamco cillum cupidatat pariatur voluptate anim
    up to 15k


    Review Criteria

    sint adipisicing enim ut proident enim est laborum enim ullamco ad nisi non pariatur irure sunt eiusmod mollit