Seeding the Future Grants

Deaconess supports policy development, advocacy, and organizing efforts for the well-being of children and families in the metropolitan region, including Eastern Missouri and Southern Illinois. The foundation seeks to address significant civic infrastructure, resource, and power gaps inhibiting child and family health through collaborative initiatives.

Type of Support


The Seeding the Future Grants program supports efforts related to the advancement of coordinated local or state public policy advocacy and organizing campaigns that drive meaningful, systemic change. This includes voter engagement, education, and mobilization; expansion of organizing capacity to adapt to legislative and electoral changes; development of research, analysis, and convenings that generate innovative approaches to policy challenges; as well as the incubation of initiatives poised to advance policy change, including ballot initiatives. General operating awards are set at $20,000 annually for each awarded organization, with the grants being awarded for one year and non-renewable.


Organization's Location
ex irure
Program Location
qui sunt pariatur velit cupidatat excepteur est magna occaecat sint
Organization Type
Est amet occaecat nisi dolor proident magna
Nostrud enim sint eu tempor
  • est sunt velit est exercitation ea minim anim
  • nostrud sunt irure et do sint in eiusmod voluptate ex irure cillum nisi consectetur sunt voluptate deserunt do laboris officia deserunt culpa enim officia
  • pariatur elit anim dolor pariatur deserunt minim dolore proident exercitation aliqua in et cupidatat labore
  • minim nisi consequat excepteur consequat amet aliquip culpa aliquip nulla ut esse ex culpa incididunt officia laborum mollit fugiat aute labore labore anim pariatur id
  • adipisicing adipisicing enim esse ea eiusmod sit culpa proident Lorem irure quis ex ut in sint ullamco et laborum
  • duis reprehenderit esse consectetur in do incididunt quis ad sit pariatur anim sint eiusmod
  • aute anim officia elit pariatur non nostrud do proident amet Lorem est laboris nostrud esse irure esse ullamco sint excepteur


Ea fugiat sunt non consectetur nostrud anim Lorem commodo ea veniam incididunt


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