We strengthen our communities by connecting Delawareans through the diversity of human experiences. Our vision is a Delaware where the respectful exchange of ideas empowers a flourishing democracy. Founded in 1973, Delaware Humanities is Delaware’s independent, nonprofit affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Our organization provides educational and cultural opportunities through original programming and grants, working to help Delawareans gain a deeper understanding of human identity, intellectual achievement, diverse cultures, and our shared heritage.
Action/Innovation Grants are aimed at larger-scale projects or events with a focus on humanities programs that delve into the interpretive aspects of the arts. This includes exploring historical or philosophical contexts, analyses of artistic methodologies, or approaches to art movements or periods. Delaware Humanities supports programs that combine performance with interpretation, such as scholarly discussions following a theater production. The maximum grant award is $18,000, requiring a 1:1 Cost-Share match with the amount requested from Delaware Humanities.
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