Comprecare Fund Grant

From The Denver Foundation

The Denver Foundation's mission is to inspire people and mobilize resources to strengthen the Denver community. As a community foundation, they manage a variety of funds and initiatives that aim to address the needs and improve the lives of the residents in the Denver area. The foundation focuses on building a more equitable and vibrant community through grantmaking, philanthropy, and community leadership.

Type of Support


The Comprecare Fund, managed by The Denver Foundation, supports community-based projects designed to help older adults maintain their health through self-help and lifestyle changes. Emphasizing the importance of physical activity, good nutrition, and the management of chronic conditions, this grant program aims to extend evidence-based interventions to older adults lacking exposure or motivation for behavior change. Specifically, it supports programs that meaningfully involve older adults in planning and administration, ensuring efforts are effectively reaching this demographic. Projects with a wide potential impact on the field of optimal wellness for seniors in Colorado are encouraged to apply, with funding amounts ranging from $7,500 to $20,000.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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7.5k – 20k


Visit Apply for more information.