Denver Foundation: The Lowe Fund

From The Denver Foundation

The Denver Foundation's mission is to inspire people and mobilize resources to strengthen the Denver community. As a community foundation, they manage a variety of funds and initiatives that aim to address the needs and improve the lives of the residents in the Denver area. The foundation focuses on building a more equitable and vibrant community through grantmaking, philanthropy, and community leadership.

Type of Support


The Lowe Fund focuses on supporting nonprofit organizations within Colorado. Its main goals are centered around providing financial aid to activities related to the training, educating, and conducting research aimed at understanding, curing, and treating developmental disabilities, cerebral palsy, and associated nervous and muscular disorders. Established in the 1960s and part of The Denver Foundation since 1994, it emphasizes the importance of enhancing the quality of life and well-being of individuals affected by these conditions through improved health services and knowledge dissemination.


Organization's Location
Lorem exercitation
Program Location
Organization Type
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10k – 50k


Review Criteria

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