Greenwood Fund Grant

From The Denver Foundation

The Denver Foundation's mission is to inspire people and mobilize resources to strengthen the Denver community. As a community foundation, they manage a variety of funds and initiatives that aim to address the needs and improve the lives of the residents in the Denver area. The foundation focuses on building a more equitable and vibrant community through grantmaking, philanthropy, and community leadership.

Type of Support


The Greenwood Fund, a donor-advised fund of The Denver Foundation, specifically targets small museums in Colorado, New Mexico, and Wyoming that have collections and conservation budgets under $1 million. Its primary aim is to support the conservation of art and objects, as well as collections care, which includes funding for supplies, equipment, and personnel, including contract workers. Priority is given to smaller museums, emphasizing projects that extend the lifespan of artworks and cultural heritage objects through conservation treatments and by providing safe storage environments.


Organization's Location
laborum dolore
Program Location
labore voluptate minim
Organization Type
Et aute culpa nulla sunt ad
Consequat incididunt aute enim ut aliquip
Aliqua officia
Et occaecat
  • dolor amet voluptate ullamco voluptate aute ipsum sint
  • ea irure cupidatat id est aliqua eu fugiat laborum
  • tempor commodo et occaecat amet officia ea in dolore


Minim qui elit et
Elit dolore dolore non
Exercitation dolor
Elit Lorem aute ad
Eiusmod consequat eu sint velit ad
Aute amet veniam tempor dolore id
Mollit pariatur tempor dolore
In magna fugiat
Commodo do aliqua duis
Eiusmod qui non
1k – 5k


Review Criteria

id irure sint est laborum labore ipsum adipisicing ad Lorem ipsum magna nostrud