E-waste Scholarship

From Digital Responsibility

The mission of the funder, Digital Responsibility, revolves around educating individuals about the environmental and societal impacts of technology. They aim to foster greater awareness of digital responsibility, focusing on how technology usage can affect both our personal lives and the world around us. By highlighting issues such as e-waste, Digital Responsibility seeks to encourage more sustainable and mindful practices concerning technology.

Type of Support


The grant aims to shed light on the significant problem of e-waste and its detrimental effects on the environment, including soil and groundwater contamination through the release of toxic materials. With an annual discard rate of 20 to 50 million tons of e-waste globally, the program seeks to inform and inspire action towards reducing this waste. The scholarship supports efforts to understand and mitigate the environmental impact of e-waste, aligning with broader goals of environmental sustainability and digital responsibility. Through education and awareness, the grant empowers individuals to contribute to more sustainable management and reduction of e-waste, making a positive environmental impact.


Organization's Location
enim cillum, eu deserunt, cupidatat dolore, eiusmod in, veniam enim, duis aliqua
Program Location
Organization Type
  • voluptate sint nulla deserunt pariatur mollit eiusmod cupidatat incididunt mollit est
  • occaecat ullamco consectetur eu tempor enim quis dolore qui reprehenderit minim culpa
  • mollit ullamco eu esse esse
  • aliquip est minim velit tempor do veniam excepteur ut


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