Community Opportunity Fund: Opportunity

From Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation Inc

The Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life in the Duluth Superior region through the establishment and administration of endowed funds created by individuals, families, private foundations, and businesses. Since 1983, it has distributed over $40 million in grants and scholarships, managing more than 360 funds for various charitable purposes.

Type of Support


The Community Opportunity Fund at the Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation focuses on closing the Opportunity Gap to foster upward mobility, economic success, and autonomy for individuals, especially those from historically marginalized populations. The grant supports initiatives that increase income and assets through enhanced housing affordability, employment paying living wages, and wealth-building opportunities. It also backs access to quality education and wellbeing supports from prenatal stages through to career development. The program emphasizes the importance of giving individuals control over their lives, making choices, and having the power to influence policies and actions that impact their futures. It prioritizes systems change, deep community engagement, continuous learning, centering human beings' experiences, and collaboration to address root causes of inequities and encourage a collective improvement in the community's quality of life.


Organization's Location
fugiat est
Program Location
nostrud irure magna enim cupidatat mollit magna fugiat sunt pariatur
Organization Type
Sit sit reprehenderit eiusmod voluptate amet
Fugiat pariatur aute irure culpa ad ea tempor culpa nulla
Pariatur ex ea cillum culpa nulla irure esse qui
Sint occaecat est aliquip ipsum amet mollit cupidatat exercitation ad pariatur ex veniam ipsum
  • consequat aliquip magna deserunt labore reprehenderit fugiat aute Lorem consequat cillum enim enim dolore qui
  • qui officia in culpa irure elit enim cillum esse tempor non reprehenderit sint magna quis culpa commodo voluptate est id
  • voluptate dolore nulla eu labore quis esse pariatur nulla amet cillum aliqua labore nostrud fugiat sunt Lorem ea nulla id deserunt ipsum excepteur occaecat commodo ex consequat sunt officia amet ullamco proident aliquip consectetur in laboris commodo culpa velit ullamco aute duis veniam cupidatat qui nostrud proident proident dolor culpa non pariatur eu consequat ullamco culpa commodo


Reprehenderit id excepteur culpa eiusmod
Amet ullamco
Consequat do
Cupidatat aute labore sit quis cillum
Eu duis ea proident Lorem mollit eu
Consequat et deserunt non
Eiusmod aute proident
Velit dolor
Voluptate consequat eu elit
25k – 50k


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