Dunn Family Foundation Grant

From Dunn Family Foundation

The Dunn Family Foundation's mission is to support programs that utilize education to enhance society through innovative approaches to testing and support materials for educational initiatives. It reflects the founders, Lloyd and Leota M Dunn's values that education is a prime vehicle for societal betterment, with excellence in testing ensuring efficient use of educational assets and professional materials aiding teachers.

Type of Support


The Dunn Family Foundation focuses on supporting the development and implementation of educational testing and support materials for both children and adults, and innovative educational methods to improve society. Their grant program offers project funding initially, with potential for general operating grants and capital funding for projects previously supported. The average grant size ranges from $5,000 to $25,000. While recognizing the necessity of Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs, the foundation prioritizes direct costs, with indirect costs considered in extraordinary circumstances.


Organization's Location
proident qui
Program Location
Organization Type
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5k – 25k


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