Dunn Foundation Grant

From The Dunn Foundation Inc.

The Dunn Foundation is committed to advancing social justice, population stability, and environmental issues in West Virginia through innovative and nontraditional support methods. It focuses on empowering community efforts, enhancing education through scholarships, promoting sustainability, and supporting student activists. The foundation encourages collaboration by leveraging both its assets and community contributions to achieve its mission.

Type of Support


The Dunn Foundation's grant program is designed to support West Virginia non-profit organizations working within specific areas of interest including population stabilization, sustainable forestry, alternative energy, teen pregnancy prevention, land use planning, government accountability, sustainable economics, and land acquisition and protection. The broad goals of this grant are to foster social justice, ensure population stability, aid student activist groups, provide educational scholarships, encourage sustainability practices, and address environmental issues specific to West Virginia. Through a unique approach to philanthropy, the foundation not only offers financial assistance but also explores nontraditional methods of support such as real estate acquisition and capacity building for organizations aligned with its mission.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
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