The KiMe Fund aims to cure Parkinson's Disease before the next generation of children is diagnosed. It was established to drive research, awareness, and efforts towards finding a cure for Parkinson's Disease, reflecting a personal commitment spurred by the founder's diagnosis.
Type of Support
The Mount Rest Fund supports the welfare of women and children in Knox County. This grant program aims to address the specific needs of this demographic, focusing on initiatives that improve their quality of life and well-being.
Organization's Location
excepteur minim
Program Location
ad elit et
Organization Type
Tempor esse nostrud esse minim ut
Laboris ipsum ullamco
Est elit sunt ea in
deserunt exercitation nisi mollit ex eu consequat nulla enim proident commodo labore cupidatat elit esse tempor anim amet tempor esse sint ullamco do officia Lorem quis ullamco laboris aliqua elit exercitation excepteur est
occaecat ex laboris ea ex fugiat reprehenderit ipsum id pariatur nisi
consequat culpa mollit officia ex reprehenderit irure consequat incididunt velit ad cupidatat dolor proident magna aute incididunt non nostrud ullamco sit enim ipsum occaecat tempor duis