Edgar P. & Nona B. McKinney Foundation: Research Grant

    From Edgar P. & Nona B. McKinney Foundation

    The Edgar P. & Nona B. McKinney Foundation aims to fund organizations that are charitable, religious, and educational in nature, reflecting the founders' intent to support meaningful causes within these spheres.

    Type of Support


    The grant program primarily focuses on funding research projects in the fields of mathematics, geography, climatology, meteorology, geology (including deep sea studies and tectonic plates), and astronomy, with a primary focus on research conducted at the University of Wisconsin Madison. There is a secondary priority for grants to other qualified educational institutions. The types of support provided include operating, program, and project funding.


    Organization's Location
    eu adipisicing
    Program Location
    laborum duis reprehenderit dolore consectetur veniam magna quis irure est
    Organization Type
    Veniam do nulla aute reprehenderit ut qui consectetur fugiat laboris proident laboris incididunt
    Ut enim enim
    5k – 10k


    Required Attachments
    reprehenderit tempor
    minim officia
    voluptate occaecat Lorem
    laboris non
    Review Criteria