DSYF Grant

Established in 2001 by Dwight L. Stuart, Sr., the Dwight Stuart Youth Fund (DSYF) aims to support organizations that provide direct services and experiences to underserved children and youth in Los Angeles County. By doing so, it seeks to help these young individuals gain the necessary skills, values, and confidence to achieve their potential.

Type of Support


The grant program by the Dwight Stuart Youth Fund focuses on educational enrichment and capacity building for youth in Los Angeles County. It aims to fund programs that offer well-rounded experiences to help youth develop critical skills and values such as respect, responsibility, self-discipline, patience, integrity, tenacity, and teamwork. The specific areas supported include Arts & CultureSports, Recreation & Camps, Academic & Tutoring, Career Guidance & Youth Employment, College Readiness & Educational Planning, Mentoring & Leadership, Board Training, Creation of New Staff Positions, Facilities Development, Fundraising Capabilities, Staff Training, and Technology Purchases. The program seeks to invest in, empower, and develop the capacities of organizations to deliver effective services and programs, thereby leading to higher impact outcomes.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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