Elsa U. Pardee Foundation Research Grants

The mission of the Elsa U. Pardee Foundation is to fund groundbreaking cancer research and provide financial assistance to needy cancer patients. Since its inception, it has allocated over $110.5 million to innovative cancer research across the United States, striving to support new scientists with cutting-edge ideas who may lack access to traditional funding sources. Additionally, the foundation focuses on the immediate financial needs of cancer patients, having dedicated about $36 million to support thousands of individuals seeking treatment.

Type of Support


The Elsa U. Pardee Foundation grant program is aimed at funding research that seeks to identify new treatments or cures for cancer. These grants are available to investigators at non-profit institutions in the United States, supporting projects that could potentially lead to significant advancements in cancer research. The foundation places a special emphasis on early-stage funding for new researchers or novel approaches by established researchers, with the hope that this initial support will lead to further, expanded funding from government agencies. Projects should clearly demonstrate relevance to cancer detection, treatment, or cure, with no predefined limits on the grant amount—which should be justified based on the project's scope. Recipients are required to submit a final report detailing financial expenditures and research achievements.


Organization's Location
cupidatat laboris
Program Location
Organization Type
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Review Criteria

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