TF: Peer Networks Grants

The Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation aims to fund innovative projects that solve basic and long-standing problems, predominantly in education within the United States. Its focus areas are art, the environment, and learning differences. The foundation values the entrepreneurial spirit, imagination, risk-taking, family unity, equality, and mutual respect. It also emphasizes educating family members on philanthropy, service, and stewardship.

Type of Support


The Peer Network Grant program supports opportunities that enhance curatorial knowledge and practices in the United States, particularly within contemporary art. It encourages curators to broaden their professional networks in innovative ways beyond traditional conferences, whether through in-person or online gatherings, and without specific constraints on location or frequency. Applicants should be U.S.-based curators with a primary focus on contemporary art. Grants are offered for up to 12 months, with amounts ranging from $500 to $5,000, and do not require matching funds. Proposed activities can include convening curatorial discussions, collaborating on ideation or skill-building, site visits for potential collaborative exhibitions, and forming interdisciplinary teams to explore new exhibition possibilities.


Organization's Location
proident aliqua
Program Location
Organization Type
Minim qui veniam
Eiusmod deserunt cillum commodo eu
  • adipisicing veniam nostrud excepteur non consequat mollit exercitation excepteur reprehenderit nisi
  • non sint fugiat elit aliqua qui irure eu mollit
  • velit voluptate aute tempor in aute adipisicing cupidatat aute dolore mollit
  • anim et in occaecat sunt ea non incididunt quis et et
  • ad consectetur id aute cillum excepteur
  • occaecat esse esse sint pariatur non occaecat voluptate nisi
500 – 5k


Step 1: quis anim do
Application deadline
Jan 18, 2025
Step 2: id eiusmod (sunt pariatur)