ELDP: Major Documentation Project (MDP)

From Endangered Languages Documentation Programme (ELDP)

The Endangered Language Documentation Programme (ELDP) aims to support the documentation and preservation of endangered languages across the globe. This initiative provides grants to individuals worldwide, including linguists, linguistic anthropologists, and community members skilled in linguistic documentation, facilitating the recording of endangered languages to safeguard these languages for future generations.

Type of Support


The program focuses on documenting as many endangered languages as possible, encouraging fieldwork in this area, creating a comprehensive repository for linguistics, social science, and language communities, and ensuring the free accessibility of documented collections. Specifically, the Major Documentation Project (MDP) supports extensive documentation efforts with funding up to €300,000. MDP projects may include fieldwork, payment for researchers, and stipends for graduate students contributing to the linguistic project. Projects are expected to generate accessible digital video and audio recordings, written materials (transcriptions, annotations), and metadata. These materials should serve both the language community and the scientific community, be comprehensive and represented in standard formats, and contribute to the development of documentation methodologies. Eligible projects should involve collaboration, potentially including documenters from within the language communities, local scholars, students from the relevant country, and aim to produce a range of linguistic and cultural materials for both preservation and academic study.


Organization's Location
Program Location
Organization Type
Researchers with qualifications in linguistics
Experience in linguistic fieldwork
Suitably qualified graduate students
Established principal investigators
  • Applicants can be of any nationality
  • Projects can be conducted anywhere in the world
  • IPF awardees must hold their fellowship at an institution other than where their PhD was awarded, unless justified
  • Affiliated with a host institution such as a university
  • Host institution must be a registered entity with experience in administering grants
  • Projects evaluated on language endangerment, contribution to language documentation, applicant's preparation and track record, project goals and feasibility, methodology, ethical considerations, and archiving plan
  • Requires institutional support and supervision support


Directors of the host institution
Owners of the host institution
Heads of financial administration at the host institution
Projects aimed only at revitalization without significant documentation
Main PI with an established research position seeking salary funding
Extended post-doctoral projects seeking salary funding.
up to 300k


Visit Apply for more information.