Rewarding Responders Grant

We Energies supports initiatives for community and neighborhood development, health and human services, arts and culture, education, and the environment. The company matches employee charitable donations and conducts a workplace giving campaign for the United Way, focusing on nonprofit support within the communities it serves through the We Energies Foundation, funded by WEC Energy Group stockholders.

Type of Support


The Rewarding Responders Grant is designed to assist local public safety response agencies by providing financial resources to enhance their operations. The grant supports the purchase of indispensable equipment and professional development essential for executing well-planned, integrated public safety initiatives. Projects eligible for funding are characterized as special, one-time, safety-related efforts. Grants can cover lifesaving tools and training costs, aiming to bolster local capabilities in emergency and safety response. The foundation allocates $50,000 annually for this program, with a maximum of $2,000 available per project, which must be utilized within two years. Eligible equipment purchases and professional development opportunities include, but are not limited to, AEDs, thermal imaging cameras, pediatric IV kits, and safety gear, as well as costs associated with professional training sessions.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
Labore adipisicing aliquip ad laborum sunt amet cupidatat deserunt minim
  • aliquip magna minim ullamco ad pariatur adipisicing sunt mollit anim excepteur culpa dolore ea


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up to 2k


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