Meeting Organizer Grants

From Federation of European Microbiological Societies

FEMS (Federation of European Microbiological Societies) is focused on promoting excellence and equality in science, specifically in the field of microbiology. It aims to contribute to solving societal issues through funding research, publishing scholarly journals, organizing cooperative projects, and partnering with various organizations.

Type of Support


The Meeting Organizer Grants (MOG) by FEMS support the organization of both virtual and in-person meetings, conferences, society meetings, and congresses in the realm of microbiology. This grant program is designed to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and foster networking among professionals in the field. It offers up to €15,000 in funding, replacing the former National and Regional Congresses Grant and Meeting Grants. A distinctive aspect of the MOG is its commitment to the development of Early Career Scientists, with a requirement that a minimum of 60% of the total grant value must be allocated to assist their attendance at these events.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
Organization Type
Incididunt officia laborum do laboris
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up to 15k


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