Fields Pond Foundation Grant

The primary mission of Fields Pond Foundation is to provide financial assistance to nature and land conservation organizations that are community-based. It aims to increase environmental awareness by involving local residents in conservation issues, believing conservation of special places and public accessibility to these areas fosters public support for future conservation efforts by strengthening the connection between individuals and their environment.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on supporting project grants for enhancing public access to conservation lands, land acquisition for conservation, assistance in establishing endowments for stewardship of conservation areas, and education programs related to land protection. Grant amounts range from $500 to $25,000, with most between $2,000 and $10,000. The foundation is open to multiple-year grants and seeks to maximize the impact of funds through challenge grants, conditional grants, matching grants, special initiatives, and collaboration with other donors. Joint applications for coordinated projects are encouraged.


Organization's Location
eu ipsum
Program Location
non culpa sunt do cillum sit proident
Organization Type
Deserunt ut id do ad culpa
Incididunt amet anim non elit minim amet
Cillum ipsum exercitation
  • elit consequat tempor eu laboris duis
  • Lorem enim excepteur nostrud eu nulla labore
  • deserunt nostrud ipsum proident occaecat minim ipsum proident tempor exercitation voluptate nostrud culpa ut


Nulla aliquip ut minim elit qui esse excepteur nulla qui magna est do dolore dolore et sunt cillum sit dolor
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Exercitation aute fugiat velit do
Minim reprehenderit laboris dolor magna fugiat tempor tempor do occaecat
500 – 25k


Visit Apply for more information.