Charlotte Mecklenburg Community Foundation - Social Capital Grants

From Foundation for the Carolinas

Foundation For The Carolinas inspires philanthropy and empowers individuals to create a better community.

Type of Support


The Social Capital Grants program aims to enhance economic opportunity for all children, youth, and families in Charlotte-Mecklenburg by bolstering organizations and initiatives dedicated to building social capital. This includes fostering networks, relationships, and access to opportunities. The grant program focuses on creating and nurturing social capital within and among communities, between organizations, and promotes a culture of caring and comprehensive life navigation. Specific goals include ensuring access to developmental opportunities, resources, and supportive networks; leveraging collective connections for community betterment; fostering genuine, trusting relationships that encourage idea and story exchange; and developing a pervasive culture of caring. Additionally, it emphasizes providing children and youth with enduring personal support, connecting them to new opportunities and careers, and aiding in navigating educational systems and life, all towards achieving their active aspirations.


Organization's Location
Program Location
NC (Mecklenburg County)
Organization Type
Organizations with IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status
Congregations, Churches, and Religious Organizations
Governmental agencies
Educational institutions
  • Churches without 501(c)(3) public charity status may qualify, referencing IRS Publication 1828 for guidance


Capital campaign requests
Debt retirement/deficit funding
Direct support of individuals (e.g. scholarships, hardship)
Duplication of existing programs or services by new organizations
Endowment funds
Travel and conferences
Publication of books
Projects typically the funding responsibility of federal, state, or local government
Sponsorships or fundraisers
Projects that promote specific political or religious views
Political or lobbying activities
2.5k – 10k


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