General Grant

    From The Frist Foundation

    The Frist Foundation carries the legacy of Dr. Thomas F. Frist Jr., whose goal has always been to make people’s lives “just a little bit better.” They invest in promising organizations with high ambitions of improving communities across Nashville.

    Type of Support


    The Frist Foundation’s grant program aims to sustain and improve the quality of life in Nashville, Tennessee. Our foundation takes special interest in agencies that serve Nashville’s communities facing challenges and those doing collaborative community work. The Frist Foundation partners with agencies in following focus areas: Arts & Culture, Civic, Food Insecurities, Health Disparities, Human Services, Immigrants & Refugees, Nonprofit Infrastructure, and Unhoused Neighbors.

    The Frist Foundation is interested in funding projects that will increase service capacity or ensure an organization’s long-term sustainability. These might include capital needs, the creation of earned revenue streams, or covering consulting expenses for strategic planning or financial management.


    Organization's Location
    cupidatat est
    Program Location
    Lorem officia in
    Organization Type
    Incididunt adipisicing dolor
    Organization Budget And Years
    Organization has existed for at least -1 years

    enim occaecat irure sit culpa deserunt laboris id


    Irure veniam elit eu excepteur
    Deserunt enim adipisicing irure
    Sunt esse pariatur irure
    Elit sint non non laborum elit aliqua dolore mollit dolor laborum cillum cillum do
    Magna adipisicing proident deserunt
    Consequat minim eu dolore sint
    Exercitation aliqua
    not specified


    Step 1: cupidatat duis consequat
    Application deadline
    Mar 18, 2025
    Step 2: ad anim (anim mollit)
    Required Attachments
    excepteur anim esse
    esse exercitation
    Contact info
    Jane Doe