Earl Renshaw Memorial Scholarship Fund

    From Furbearers Unlimited

    To improve knowledge and educate the public about furbearer species, stimulate interest and appreciation in furbearers and natural resources, and promote the restoration, wise, and scientific management of furbearers. The mission also includes improving environmental education and coordinating with organizations, agencies, and individuals with similar interests.

    Type of Support


    The grant program offers scholastic scholarships annually in August, targeting students enrolled or intending to enroll in graduate-level classes. Specifically, it supports those with a major emphasis on Furbearer Management.


    Organization's Location
    laborum duis
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    Aliqua esse
    • consequat laboris aute esse eu
    • voluptate in esse tempor id esse voluptate aliquip Lorem dolore labore aliqua
    • exercitation qui esse ipsum qui aute
    • do magna adipisicing proident ex incididunt aute est ad elit velit non mollit in esse
    not specified


    Contact info
    Jane Doe
    dolore labore est consequat ea ut ex exercitation elit duis irure
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