Geologists' Association: Curry Fund Grant

From Geologists' Association (GA)

The Geologists' Association, since 1858, focuses on promoting the study of geology and its allied sciences to individuals at all knowledge levels. It is committed to extending geological knowledge through lectures, field meetings, demonstrations, publications, and the maintenance of a library. The organization encourages discussions among members to foster interest and awareness of geological heritage.

Type of Support


The grant supports a wide range of geological-focused activities, including:

  • Geological publications: This includes support for various media formats beyond traditional print, like digital and audio-visual media, specifically for projects that wouldn’t typically cover the normal costs of proceedings and the GA Magazine.
  • Geological conservation: The grant offers support for the purchase of geological sites for conservation, maintenance, and recording of such sites, and aiding museums in the curation of geological material.
  • Other initiatives: Funding is available for miscellaneous projects that fall within the council's approval, including awards to individuals and some support for the administrative costs associated with these initiatives.
  • Overseas visitors: The fund considers applications for travel and accommodation expenses from overseas visitors conducting geological research in association with a UK sponsor.

The broad goals are to foster innovation within geology, support conservation efforts, and enhance public understanding and enjoyment of geology.


Organization's Location
quis aute
Program Location
Organization Type
  • voluptate id exercitation ut nisi ea sunt ex id nostrud ex deserunt quis laborum sit laborum elit dolor velit ut reprehenderit mollit
  • dolor ipsum in fugiat amet adipisicing magna consectetur incididunt occaecat cupidatat labore commodo culpa anim sit


Exercitation aute aliquip
Dolor aute consequat excepteur voluptate officia
Laboris ex deserunt in
Fugiat enim elit excepteur
Consectetur ad
100 – 3k


Review Criteria

ex officia laboris minim voluptate sint nisi ad est dolore nisi