Glenn W. Bailey STEM Scholars Grant

From Glenn W Bailey Foundation

Our Mission is to foster pathways to success in globally competitive STEM careers for students in the United States. We aim to ensure the U.S. remains a global thought leader in science, math, and technology by promoting projects that encourage STEM education and provide career opportunities for individuals with STEM backgrounds. Established in 2022, the Foundation seeks to give students and educators resources for developing in STEM, supporting programs that make a difference regardless of background or resources, and transforming attitudes around STEM subjects for socioeconomic and economic freedom.

Type of Support


The grant program is dedicated to supporting organizations that assist post-secondary students in pursuing or showing interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) degrees or fields. It targets colleges and universities that have demonstrated thoughtful planning and execution in their STEM programs, aiming to provide students with an engaging and well-rounded educational experience. The program offers funding for a variety of initiatives including review sessions, working groups, project presentation forums, in-house competitions and showcases, STEM clubs, reading groups affiliated with SIAM/AMS, career management counseling services, lecture series, research project funding, tech talks, student clubs and organizations, summer camps, and conferences and committees. Each grant awarded by this program has a maximum cap of $50,000.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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up to 50k


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