Fall Grant Opportunities: Campbell Endowment

From Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation

The mission focuses on addressing community needs across Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, and Leelanau counties. Through a variety of endowments, they aim to support philanthropic approaches to meeting basic needs, promoting self-sufficiency, and helping individuals achieve independence across these regions.

Type of Support


The grant program supports organizations and projects that work towards self-sufficiency for individuals by addressing basic needs. This includes providing support in areas such as food, healthcare, housing, and childcare. The Campbell Endowment, which funds these grants, was established with the goal of aiding programs or projects that embody these values in the specified five-county region.


Organization's Location
dolor cillum
Program Location
tempor duis quis cillum laborum irure velit tempor excepteur ullamco
Organization Type
Adipisicing ea id sit officia aute do duis excepteur dolor aliqua sint ea ipsum mollit ad
1.5k – 4k


Contact info
(555) 555-5555
Review Criteria

reprehenderit veniam labore sit reprehenderit pariatur veniam sunt eu nulla dolor eiusmod

  • dolor deserunt culpa proident veniam nostrud duis ullamco ut ullamco
  • in sit exercitation cillum occaecat excepteur Lorem ad voluptate eu
  • do ad irure veniam ex cillum minim occaecat sunt culpa
  • officia Lorem ea velit id nisi velit id tempor duis
  • sint Lorem nostrud esse enim id eu anim mollit dolore labore minim anim
  • Lorem voluptate amet deserunt aute dolore pariatur sunt