Fall Grant Opportunities: John N. Barnes Environmental Education Endowment

From Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation

The mission focuses on addressing community needs across Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, and Leelanau counties. Through a variety of endowments, they aim to support philanthropic approaches to meeting basic needs, promoting self-sufficiency, and helping individuals achieve independence across these regions.

Type of Support


The grant program aims to support environmental education activities for Benzie County residents, funded by the John N. Barnes Environmental Education Endowment. This endowment honors the memory of John N. Barnes, who had a profound love for the beauty of Benzie County and tragically passed away at the age of 24. The grants from this endowment seek to continue his legacy by promoting environmental education within Benzie County, thereby preserving and spreading his passion for nature and the outdoors to further generations.


Organization's Location
dolor enim
Program Location
adipisicing Lorem sit
Organization Type
Reprehenderit fugiat aliqua consequat id aliqua ea labore sit magna labore dolore fugiat qui consequat est
250 – 2k


Contact info
(555) 555-5555
Review Criteria

ipsum pariatur in veniam officia eu ipsum non veniam consequat minim ea

  • veniam adipisicing proident sunt velit ut Lorem ullamco commodo proident
  • amet quis aliquip in mollit ut voluptate ea laboris duis
  • aliqua occaecat occaecat culpa sit incididunt anim aliqua sunt commodo
  • anim commodo Lorem deserunt excepteur magna consequat dolor est ex
  • Lorem in sint et excepteur laborum non elit officia tempor non dolore amet
  • Lorem consectetur officia nostrud excepteur est qui consequat