Crime Prevention Foundation Grant

From Greater Green Bay Community Foundation

INSPIRE and ENCOURAGE charitable giving in northeast Wisconsin by connecting caring people with solutions that strengthen our community

Type of Support


In response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis, the grant program is now open to requests for operational support as well as specific program needs. The grant prioritizes initiatives that effectively intervene in one or more of the three critical elements of crime: the desire to commit it, the ability to do so, and the opportunity for it to occur. Grants range from $500 to $3,000, with the average award being $1,000. These funds aim to strengthen crime prevention efforts and ensure the resilience of community nonprofits during challenging times.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
Excepteur sit
Officia proident
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  • et ea reprehenderit tempor non sunt mollit id mollit commodo aliqua eiusmod fugiat aliqua deserunt esse
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up to 3k


Visit Apply for more information.