Grants for Cycle 2 Funding Priorities

From Greater Milwaukee Foundation

The Greater Milwaukee Foundation aims to enhance the quality of life in the Greater Milwaukee area by addressing local needs and fostering community improvement through support and funding to a wide range of initiatives and programs, primarily focusing on basic human needs, community development, education, and the arts.

Type of Support


The Greater Milwaukee Foundation's competitive grantmaking program seeks to partner with agencies, advised fund donors, and other funders to support projects in the Milwaukee region that align with their funding priorities. Specifically, the program emphasizes strengthening education, enhancing neighborhoods, boosting economic opportunities, and promoting racial equity and inclusion. For Cycle 2 Funding, priorities include Early Childhood Education with a focus on workforce and professional development; Mental Health support that is culturally responsive, offers clinical services, and evidence-based well-being programs; Medical Research aimed at improving health outcomes, patient empowerment, and addressing local racial health disparities; and Workforce Development strategies for job creation, training, and placement.


Organization's Location
deserunt in
Program Location
consectetur dolor ea magna qui Lorem dolor aute non
Organization Type
Dolor cillum ex nisi irure
Officia ad
Anim excepteur occaecat culpa irure non


Nulla dolor id veniam
Lorem velit laborum
Ea fugiat nostrud deserunt ad
Magna est officia est dolor
Pariatur incididunt
Anim duis id
1k – 50k


Review Criteria

sit eiusmod culpa deserunt dolor irure mollit nulla laboris et quis aute id aliqua nulla elit dolor sit consectetur et deserunt ad culpa Lorem qui qui velit labore eiusmod esse mollit in esse quis incididunt velit esse eiusmod deserunt est minim consequat sunt minim mollit