Phillips County Unrestricted Endowment Fund – Fundraising Event Matching Grant

From Greater Northwest Kansas Community Foundation

The GROW Decatur County Foundation Fund, supported by the Dane G. Hansen Foundation, aims to provide financial growth to Decatur County through an endowment fund established to support local projects and initiatives. This fund aims to make annual grants available to benefit the county and its communities, fostering development and improvement.

Type of Support


The Phillips County Unrestricted Endowment Fund aims to benefit Phillips County, Kansas, by leveraging matching initiatives for donations and utilizing investment earnings for grants to support the county, its communities, and school districts. It operates on a monthly application cycle.

The Fundraising Event Matching Grant is designed to provide matching funds to Phillips County non-profits for eligible fundraising events with a focus on projects that enhance public spaces, promote healthcare initiatives, support non-traditional education, improve public health and safety, or address other quality of life concerns within the county.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type
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up to 500


Contact info
(555) 555-5555
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