GSCF: Dane G. Hansen Foundation Community Grants

From Greater Salina Community Foundation

Our mission is to enhance quality of life, today and in the future, by enabling donors to fulfill their charitable desires, building a permanent endowment, facilitating prudent management and care of funds, and meeting needs through grants, awards, and scholarships.

Type of Support


The grant program focuses on supporting projects in North Central Kansas with the following goals:

  • Education: Enhance learning environments, expand student opportunities, and increase self-reliance in personal life skills and workforce capability.
  • Health Care: Ensure access to quality health services and promote healthy life practices.
  • Community Social Services & Security: Enhance access to social services for individuals with special needs and support systems for community disaster relief and emergencies.
  • Conservation & Environment: Support efforts to improve air and water quality, appreciation for natural environments, and the economic and social benefits of outdoor resources.
  • Arts & Culture: Provide cultural and artistic opportunities to improve local quality of life, encourage tourism, and the exchange of ideas.
  • Community Beautification: Improve and maintain public spaces to enhance community pride and encourage socialization.


Organization's Location
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Program Location
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Organization Type


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Review Criteria

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