GSCF: Fund for Early Childhood Care, Education and Development

From Greater Salina Community Foundation

Our mission is to enhance quality of life, today and in the future, by enabling donors to fulfill their charitable desires, building a permanent endowment, facilitating prudent management and care of funds, and meeting needs through grants, awards, and scholarships.

Type of Support


The grant program aims at supporting organizations or programs that contribute to the care, education, development, health, safety, and human service needs of children ages 0-6, preparing them effectively for kindergarten. It specifically seeks to enhance the readiness of children for school, acknowledging the lasting impact this has on their educational trajectory and future socio-economic status. Special consideration is given to initiatives aiding children in poverty or those facing substantial barriers to learning, recognizing the essential role of early intervention in leveling the playing field for disadvantaged youth.


Organization's Location
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