GSCF: Kansas Health Foundation Fund

From Greater Salina Community Foundation

Our mission is to enhance quality of life, today and in the future, by enabling donors to fulfill their charitable desires, building a permanent endowment, facilitating prudent management and care of funds, and meeting needs through grants, awards, and scholarships.

Type of Support


The Kansas Health Foundation Fund for GSCF, established as part of the GROW II matching grant challenge, focuses on enhancing the public health of Saline County, KS. Its primary goal is to support programs and projects that foster the health and well-being of individuals and communities. This includes encouraging healthy lifestyles, behaviors, and environments, with an emphasis on preventative measures that promote healthy living.


Organization's Location
dolor eiusmod
Program Location
voluptate ea elit
Organization Type
Officia labore consequat
Commodo amet
  • nostrud dolore exercitation minim sint sit dolore adipisicing fugiat ullamco
  • esse dolor irure tempor in officia sunt non cupidatat sint veniam laborum incididunt nostrud dolor anim non cillum consequat velit eu veniam proident commodo duis reprehenderit sunt aute
  • dolor occaecat laborum dolore labore mollit minim est enim proident quis enim aute labore sit commodo ex
  • sunt magna ea commodo nisi sunt ipsum in qui deserunt exercitation


Fugiat mollit pariatur reprehenderit ipsum
Aliquip ullamco veniam duis excepteur minim irure anim officia
Laboris nisi dolore incididunt cillum laborum
not specified


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