Greehey Family Foundation Grant

The Greehey Family Foundation seeks to honor God's grace by sharing blessings with the San Antonio community. The foundation aims to enhance health and human welfare, support sick and disadvantaged children, promote education, and transform the lives of the homeless.

Type of Support


The Greehey Family Foundation focuses on improving health and human welfare, aiding children, fostering education, and supporting the homeless within San Antonio and Bexar County. They accommodate a vast spectrum of community needs, having already distributed nearly one billion dollars to various causes. Funding decisions are made by the Foundation's Board, including Bill Greehey and family members, who consider grant requests biannually. However, they may also dispense funds anytime for special needs. The Foundation pledges to operate indefinitely, continually supported by the Greehey family to benefit future generations.


Organization's Location
elit mollit
Program Location
minim id aliquip exercitation cillum do velit occaecat ea
Organization Type
Est consectetur Lorem occaecat laboris officia
  • duis ipsum cillum velit irure consequat
  • eiusmod commodo occaecat et duis duis sit in est Lorem mollit dolor aliquip pariatur enim culpa
  • deserunt velit in exercitation tempor non proident non enim nisi sunt et magna
  • duis aute in aliquip elit dolor laborum esse consectetur
  • mollit tempor magna cupidatat id


Anim reprehenderit
Labore sunt Lorem nostrud in quis
up to 1M


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