GreenState Foundation Grant

From GreenState Credit Union

The GreenState Foundation aims to enhance quality of life in the communities it serves by promoting financial health and well-being, contributing to safer, more livable environments. It supports initiatives that address financial inequalities, improve access to affordable housing, and promote environmental sustainability, with a vision of offering solutions to improve financial health and alleviate inequities.

Type of Support


The GreenState Foundation's grant program focuses on three main areas: Financial Health & Inclusion, Affordable Housing, and Environmental Sustainability. It seeks to support projects that provide financial education and assistance, promote access to affordable housing as a foundation for a stable life, and enhance the quality of life for future generations through respectful and careful treatment of the planet. These efforts are driven by the goal of making communities safer, more equitable, and sustainable places to live, work, and play.


Organization's Location
magna sunt
Program Location
voluptate anim adipisicing
Organization Type
Incididunt exercitation ex
  • adipisicing commodo ea excepteur proident ullamco dolore ea incididunt
  • commodo anim dolore officia reprehenderit minim ut tempor sunt
  • ut exercitation et sit mollit laborum ipsum incididunt enim incididunt enim consequat aliquip ipsum non mollit
  • minim consectetur voluptate culpa sunt id eiusmod elit excepteur incididunt


Deserunt ullamco
not specified


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