Guarantors of Brain: Travel Grants

    From Guarantors of Brain

    The Guarantors of Brain is a charity established in 1955, focusing on advancing teaching, education, and research in neurology and its related clinical-academic fields. Its trustees include eminent British neurologists, psychiatrists, neurosurgeons, neurophysiologists, and neuroscientists, aiming to support the evolution and dissemination of neurological knowledge.

    Type of Support


    The Travel Grants program by the Guarantors of Brain primarily supports the attendance of individuals at scientific meetings that are directly relevant to their research interests, particularly where they will be presenting original work. Additionally, the grants facilitate research visits to laboratories or clinical departments offering exceptional training opportunities unavailable at the applicant's home institution. The program is designed for clinical and non-clinical neurologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists, among others, covering international travel for meetings or specialized training, with funding up to £400 for UK meetings, £600 for European meetings outside the UK, and £1000 for meetings elsewhere. Applicants are encouraged to have partial funding from their institutions or other awards and must adhere to specific application timelines and guidelines.


    Organization's Location
    nostrud exercitation
    Program Location
    Organization Type
    • minim excepteur qui anim nostrud aliqua pariatur labore veniam magna ea nulla consequat
    • commodo veniam in reprehenderit deserunt sit duis proident veniam quis
    • voluptate nisi pariatur cillum amet aliquip quis ipsum dolore qui aliquip
    • et excepteur eu ea laborum do incididunt nisi ad ex dolor aute velit
    • dolore aliquip cupidatat tempor et labore consectetur pariatur velit deserunt


    Reprehenderit commodo ad
    Nostrud amet
    In reprehenderit
    Consequat amet officia culpa Lorem consequat magna quis mollit
    Fugiat id dolor pariatur sint quis consequat
    Eiusmod cillum non
    Ex nulla aute
    400 – 1K


    Review Criteria

    id laboris minim cillum enim nisi commodo velit in voluptate cillum elit magna deserunt esse proident in id do occaecat enim mollit aute sunt culpa excepteur exercitation elit eiusmod pariatur ad nisi qui do aliqua laboris consectetur pariatur veniam veniam sit ea esse nulla voluptate dolore

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